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A podcast covering the news, matches and results for the Overwatch League. Join Andres, Mel and BlazzinBob as they guide you through the League with summaries, analysis and interviews!

Jan 29, 2019

This week @Blazzin_Bob and @MelOverwatch are joined by the newest member of our team @BrickMcVictory. He will be joining our team as an on-site interviewer for season 2!

We start out with an interview to learn a little more about Brick.



Jan 22, 2019

This week @Blazzin_Bob is joined by @totemlydrunkctr and @_ThrillChill.

The show starts off with Totem and BlazzinBob announcing a new show focusing on Overwatch League Fantasy using the new platform created by Find more details on OWL By The Numbers twitter @owlbythenumbers


Jan 15, 2019

This week we cover a little news and then take you to a very special interview with Overwatch League caster Monte Cristo and General Manager for the London Spitfire, Susie Kim. Don't miss this fantastic interview!

Monte Cristo -

Susie Kim -


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Jan 11, 2019

Blizzcon 2018 Goody Bag giveaway -


Patreon Blizzard gift card giveaway! Follow this link to become a Patreon -


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Jan 8, 2019

This week we are joined by TheDudeAbides from Watchpoint Radio Podcast! 



1. Ellie and other news

2. Power Rankings

3. Did OWL Pros play sports growing up.


The watchers Brawl -

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