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A podcast covering the news, matches and results for the Overwatch League. Join Andres, Mel and BlazzinBob as they guide you through the League with summaries, analysis and interviews!

Feb 25, 2020

This week @MelOverwatch and @Blazzin_Bob are joined by special guest Freedo, from  @Your Overwatch  (@YourOverwatchYT), to talk about history being made in some absurd Overwatch League matches.


Feb 18, 2020

This week @MelOverwatch and @Blazzin_Bob are joined by special guest @Shazear, Overwatch League Recap producer, to talk about everything that went down in week 2.




OWL Recap is one of the first Overwatch League...

Feb 11, 2020

This week @MelOverwatch and @Blazzin_Bob talk about everything that was the season 3 opening week of the Overwatch League.


  • Week 1 broadcasting mishaps
    • Inconsistent awkward transitions
    • Initial broadcast quality
    • Confusion on multiple channels broadcasting
  • Overall thoughts on analyst desk?
    • Soe...

Feb 4, 2020

This week @MelOverwatch and @Blazzin_Bob discuss the implications of introducing hero pools to the Overwatch League.
