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A podcast covering the news, matches and results for the Overwatch League. Join Andres, Mel and BlazzinBob as they guide you through the League with summaries, analysis and interviews!

Dec 18, 2018

This week we are joined by Mama Rosa and Lorena from Esports Makeup, the makeup artists for The Overwatch League. 

@esportsmakeup, @MamaRosaMakeup, @lorenita411

We cover a little bit of news as well.

Dec 12, 2018

This week we are joined by special guest @edanaroverwatch from Heroes Never Die Podcast.

We discuss a wide variety of hot topics leading into Season 2 of the Overwatch League! We also talk about the #ReworkMercy movement that has hit the pro scene by storm. Lastly we do some speculating on some of the week 1...

Dec 5, 2018

This week BlazzinBob and Mel are joined by one of the original hosts of the show, Juston(@Aidmaro_ow). 

We discuss the two new team branding announcements and recent player acquisitions. In addition we touch on Silkthread's retirement from the Overwatch League and speculate on what needs to change to prevent other...

Nov 29, 2018

...Everyone else talked about Seagull's "The State of Overwatch" plea, now its our turn. 

Nov 8, 2018

The gang has returned from Blizzcon 2018 reinvigorated by all the energy from the world cup. It was a fantastic and eventful weekend, even though our dear USA lost! Make sure to tune in to hear all about it!