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A podcast covering the news, matches and results for the Overwatch League. Join Andres, Mel and BlazzinBob as they guide you through the League with summaries, analysis and interviews!

Jan 28, 2020

This week @MelOverwatch and @Blazzin_Bob are joined by special guest @EdanarOverwatch to talk about all the major changes to The Overwatch League in season 3.



Jan 22, 2020

This week @MelOverwatch and @Blazzin_Bob talk about the recent drama in the Overwatch League featuring Dafran and Malik as well as the possibility of hero bans coming to Overwatch.


Follow-up Questions:

  • Reason for so many changes going into...

Jan 14, 2020

This week @iplaigames, @MelOverwatch and @Blazzin_Bob are back to start season 3 with some announcements about show changes and discussion on the recent happening before season 3.

